Andrea Bilderback
Yoga Instructor
Andrea Bilderback is a seeker and practitioner of holistic health and wellness, and has been practicing yoga since 2002, and teaching since 2008, after receiving her 200 hour Vinyasa training. Andrea genuinely believes that curiosity is what makes life worth living. She is deeply committed to balancing sthira and sukha—steadiness and ease—in her own practice and in her teaching, and to cultivating awareness of this union in her students. Alignment, purpose and intelligent sequencing are of utmost importance in Andrea’s classes, though she lovingly encourages her students to embrace exploration, both on and off the mat. Her purpose is to facilitate an environment of moving meditation where students of flow may discover that, “that which we seek with passionate longing, here and there, upward and outward; we find at last within ourselves” (R.M. Bucke). Andrea considers it a tremendous honor to have had the opportunity to teach the Northern Colorado Community at events such as Hanuman Festival in Boulder and the Sustainable Living Fair in Fort Collins.
"I am really enjoying Andrea's online classes. She walks us through not only the positions, but also what our bodies gain from the positions as well as general life awareness and mindfulness tips. She's a very good teacher." ~B.E.